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Smoking Enclosure/Unit 15 | TORNEX

Smoking Enclosure/Unit 15

It offers a completely enclosed smoking area, preventing smoke drift whilst utilizing the Tornex electrostatic filtration system:Unit15.
It enables a flexible facility to be created for a number of smokers.

Capacity 6 – 8 smokers
Air Flow Volume (m³/min) H: 30 L:20
Power Supply AC220-240V 50/60Hz
Power Concumption Approx. 290/280W
Dust Collecting Efficiency 95%(0.3μm)
Main Filter ESP (Electrostatic Precipitator)
Pre-filter SUS 24 Mesh
Odour Filter Activated Charcoal
Sanitization (option) PCI (Plasmacluster Ion)


■Indoor installation

■Outdoor installation